Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tips for Kim's Creative Writing Group

This post is especially for Kim's Creative Writing Group. Thanks for having me share today (August 13, 2020). 

I mentioned a variety of things in my conversation. I want to share some links you may find helpful for trying to make money from your writing, plus a few other opportunities. 

If you have a question, feel free to message me at or through Facebook Messenger here

Non-paying Writing

Actually, I started out publishing free articles to promote my life coach business on Ezine Articles (NOTE IN 2022 THIS SITE CEASED PUBLISHING NEW MATERIAL.) There are many other ways to publish your work--a blog, for instance. 


Start a blog with or, market your books on your blog.

Web Content/Online Magazines

1.   I write as Joy R. Calderwood on this site and have sold over 400 articles. Constant-Content

My personal bio page on Constant-Content.

Sites that Pay (various work from home jobs)


2.   On the below link I have submitted to the greeting card companies. I didn't get any accepted. Rappers, poetry writers---the greeting card submissions might be for you!

3.   I haven't used this but you can offer to write for $5 or more

4.    I haven't used this before, but looks interesting. See *notes below. Problogger Jobs

* Some job offers require you work in the US. Remote means work from home usually. If you're from Canada, check if they hire Canadians and how they make payment.  Avoid sites that make you buy a membership. Be careful of sites that ask you to do a practice test. For Constant-Content, I did have to submit 3 articles that passed editing before I could sell. That was okay with me. 

Creative Ideas 

A fabulous way to learn to use more description in your writing


Here are examples of editing rates

Self-Publishing - Kindle Book or Paperback 

My author page on Amazon

Some Paying, Some Non-Paying

Life Coach Training 

1.   I trained through Life Purpose Coaching Centres. Here is a Facebook Page. I didn't seem to get to the website.

I've asked friends to let me know where they trained. I'll add it if I find out. 

2.   A friend trained here: Coach U 

3.   Another friend of mine trained here:  Life Purpose Institute 

4.   Check out The ChristianCoachingCentre

I will add to this page as I think of what else may be of help.

5.    Another friend studied with New Life Christian Coaching and did a refresher with Transformation Academy.

I have several blogs on various topics. Here are two others.