Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Affordable Copyediting is Available

Typos and Edits 

Before you go and self-publish through KDP I want to share some points. I recently paid $10 for a book from someone I met on Facebook. Something in her post resonated with me causing me to make the purchase. I hoped I'd find some new direction and inspiration from her book.

The book started off great. But then it led me down bunny trails. Reading it from the viewpoint of a writer who has done editing, her errors were glaring. There were grammatical errors, punctuation errors, typos, and so on. But what really bothered me was trying to understand the point of the book as it tended to stray.  

I've seen this many times. And I know it costs too much extra to hire a copyeditor, proofreader, or to have someone critique it. Now that I'm 'semi-retired' I'd like to fill my time, so I would be happy to give you a quote for your new project. Better yet, tell me what you can pay and the subject matter. I'll take a quick look at your project and let you know how I might be able to help.

Copyediting/proofreading service is purposely for self-publishers of books under 40,000 words (145 Kindle pages; 
160 double-spaced MS Word pages). 
Or articles of up to 1200 words. 

Yes, it is scary having someone else read your manuscript. But it can be well worth it. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Finding Words for Your Story

I usually write non-fiction. In non-fiction, especially articles for web content, we need to write concisely. That means, we don't add in flowery description. While this blog is in first person, articles I sell are never written in first person. And, each writing project has its own rules.

Writing Your Story

Recently, I wanted to write my story. What I mean by that is a sort of memoir or creative non-fiction piece that describes a specific time of my life. This sort of writing demands flowery descriptions and can be written in first person. 

As often is the case, I want to write it to help others who might read it. But another benefit arose. While writing my story, I found healing and better understanding of myself and that era of my life. I thought most of the wounds of that part of my life had been healed, but it was remarkable how writing my story out in detail brought me even more clarity and healing. 

Adding Description

They say if you're going to write your story, you need to make it gripping. You do that by showing rather than telling much of it. And you do it by adding meaningful description. 

I'm not usually good at writing such details. The non-fiction writer in me finds it tedious. But I may want to self-publish my story on Kindle, so I need it to be all it can be. 

A tool I found which helped me put words to my feelings is a website called Descriptionari. This website is remarkable. You simply type in a word and it gives examples of compelling writing using your word or emotion. 

I used this site to teach me how to add touch, scent, emotion, and description. (I don't recommend copying the sentences into your story, but to use their examples as prompts. Then you can put it into your own words.) 

Other tools exist now in 2024. Artificial Intelligence (AI) ChatGPT and Grammarly will rewrite sections for you in remarkable ways. As long as the original thoughts were from you, there is no copyright violation to use the rewrite, though checking it for accuracy and rewriting it in your voice is advised. 

A remarkable thing happened for em while using the Descriptionari tool. The descriptions offered seemed to describe my pain in words I could not find myself. And in doing so, I found more healing

For example, during the era I wrote about, I cried out of confusion, disappointment, and sadness. Instead of simply saying "I cried" I put cry into the tool. Look at the sentence it came up with:

"It is my tears that keep my soul alive in the furnace of this pain. They cannot extinguish what has been, yet only carry me forward until a time comes when that searing pain is distant enough to forget more than remember, and maybe one day erase itself from my brain. So perhaps it may be an oddity to thank my tears and be proud to cry, yet if that's what saves me from becoming a monster, a person indifferent to suffering and sorrow, then crying is the smartest thing I can do."  

It was helpful to see the purpose in crying when put this way. The words above make me believe the writer had an experience similar to what I went through. In that interpretation, I found that perhaps in my suffering I was not weak, strange, pitiful, a victim, or odd for crying as much as I did. I was simply human. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Should You Take a Writing Course?

Every day there are courses offered for writers.  There are online courses and there are writing coaches who will help you walk through the steps of writing.   

(I started writing in a creative writing course in high school.)

Do you have to take a course or have a degree to be a writer?  No. 

(But now, in 2024, I will share with you that I have looked at enough online jobs for content writers and similar roles and they all say the applicant needs to have a journalism degree. I disagree with the need for one but if that is their rule, I guess you can't get the job.)

To write, just write and see where the path leads you.  Do what suits your personality and skill level. Look up help online to improve your grammar. 

If you feel taking a course will help, sign up for one.  If a writing group is of interest, join one. There is always more to learn in the field of writing.

Writing for an online audience is also far different than writing more intensive materials. Look into tips for writing for online audiences if that is your goal. Much input can be learned online and through studying style guides. 

If you really love writing, you will also be a reader. Much can be learned simply through reading. 

Grow as a writer at your own pace. You should know when you're ready to take the next step of publishing a blog, writing a query letter, sending an article to a content site editor, signing up for personalized coaching, or sending a manuscript to an agent. 

The point is, there is no set path for a writer. 

Thick Skin

he field of writing can be tough on you, though.  You will have editors rip your work apart. You will want to be as prepared and knowledgeable as you can be. 

As you develop your craft, you will likely see yourself make dumb errors and feel embarrassed when important people point them out.  You will get rejections and have your feelings hurt.

Writers take the pain in stride.  They take what they're dished and pour it back into their writing to be used for good.

A great way to test your skills is to put a piece past an inexpensive proofreader or editor to see how you fare.  Another way to test your skill level is to send an article to an article site--preferably one that uses in-house editors that will scrutinize your work and offer feedback.  

I have learned a lot from the editors at where I have many articles for sale. I don't always agree with the editor's comments. Like art, some writing is subjective. But good grammar is also needed. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Writing a Memoir? Here's Some Advice

Someone in one of my Facebook writers groups posted a question about how to structure a book about her life experiences. I suppose she was writing a memoir. 

I gave her this response and thought it might be a good blog post:

"I know writing this will be therapeutic for you. 
To actually sell it, you'll need to consider who would read it and why. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

How will your experiences inspire or enhance a reader's life? 

Why would someone want to read it? 

Is there a hook? 
(The primary purpose of a hook is to capture the reader's attention and engage them right from the start. A well-crafted hook can make the reader curious, eager to read more, and set the tone for the entire piece.)

Why would someone pay money to read it? 

If you were going to buy such a book, what would you expect from it? 

Will there be a point to the book aside from you having fun telling your story?"

The Point of the Book

I write non-fiction and often weave life experiences into my writing but I try to only do that if it moves the reader further. Illustrations should have a point that is connected to the theme of the book. 

Sometimes my writing presents a problem and provides some solutions and, in the case of a memoir, I'd think the writer would have life examples pointing the way for the reader to find solutions for themselves. 

I went on: 

"If you can find an interesting hook or define a niche topic, you'll have more success. 

Would it appeal to someone the same age you were at the time? Is it geared toward others questioning their faith upbringing? Can you explain what made you have doubts about your faith while still holding onto it? Is that likely to happen with a reader too from what you write? Who are the people who might be in a similar situation?

Once you identify the person you want to share your story with, write it as though you are talking to them over coffee. Give your reader points to ponder. Ask them probing questions."

That's my 2 cents.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Are you About to Self-Publish?

Motives and Focus

I believe some authors have the idea that writing a book makes them appear more legitimate or important. I believe one's motives for publishing a book should be better than that. 

That leads me to write this blog and ask some important questions:

What is your reason for writing and publishing your book? 

Maybe you do have a good story to tell or sage advice to offer others. Perhaps you've uncovered a niche market that is in search of a solution you can provide. Does that describe you? Then I'd say that's a worthy motive.

Is your motive for writing and self-publishing simply an attempt to earn lots of money? 

When I tell an average new non-fiction author what they can expect to earn from their book, they are sometimes offended. One friend said, "I can't charge a mere $5 for my book after all the work I've put into it!" 

That feeling is common, but ignorant of the truth regarding the book-buying market. People want to buy books at low prices. KDP has a price-setting tool to use and often it suggests a price point of $3.99 to $4.99 on my books.

Think about what you might be willing to pay for a similar book. 

(On a side-note, I think it is awful some people will pay $5 or less and then leave critical reviews. That hasn't happened to me, but I see it all the time. For $5 it isn't very kind to give a hostile review on a piece of work someone probably spent 1,000 hours writing. But neither should you give a 5-star review for something mediocre just because a friend wrote it.) 

I've seen some authors charge over $20 for their book. I'm not sure there is a market for such by unknown authors. I did purchase one and was shocked by how little there was inside the book. It was a good well-written and helpful book, but $28 plus taxes and shipping was extreme in my opinion. 

When you publish with Amazon KDP, you receive a mere percentage of each sale. Big buck earnings are hard to come by.  

Yes, authors put in hours upon hours to write and edit. Some work on projects over years. Some pay for critiques and editing. It adds up. 

If you self-publish, any marketing that is to be done is up to you.  

I don't mean to sound negative, but realistic. This comes from my place of being in the writing world interacting with writers for some time now. 

If you're about to self-publish, do it. But set the right motives,  and set realistic goals for your writing. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Where To Purchase Web Content

Entrepreneurs have enough balls to keep in the air. In addition to the products or services they offer, there are administrative tasks and keeping up marketing. 

Entrepreneurs will need fresh material for their blog posts, articles to add to their website resource files or mailouts, and perhaps other cross-promotion material. Creating such is time consuming.

Entrepreneurs may be good at many things and writing may or may not be one of those things. To help simplify the writing process , there are a number of freelance writers available to write for them.

Great writers post their pre-written material on sites such as That's where I post mine. Here is my profile of available work written under my pen name:

Entrepreneurs can also request content there, offering tips of what to include. 

Why Buy Pre-written?

Pre-written content is helpful to the entrepreneur who needs more ideas of what to add or write on next. 

A buyer can look through a batch of pre-written articles at and choose those that are suitable.  They will be buying exclusive rights which means they can alter the articles to suit their needs and even put their names on them as authors (ghostwriters).

The entrepreneur can also take purchased articles and compile them into e-books or use as workshop materials if they'd like to.  

If you're in need of web content blurbs, blog posts, articles and the like, please look into prewritten content available at the click of a key, purchased online, with no telephone consultations, email exchanges, and so on, needed. A new article can be yours today. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

A Tip for Article Writing

Article Writing 

One way to grow in your writing career is to write articles. I wrote and submitted many articles to magazines hoping for publication. When my first paid article was purchased through a library association, I was overjoyed!

I then began posting free articles with the online platform ezine articles (now defunct). 

Why write articles?  

I wrote articles to promote my life coaching business launched in 2008. However, I realized I also wanted to become a web content writer. By 2010, I discovered I could write and sell web content articles through 

It's important to note why there is such a service. It's because there is a market for articles today like never before. Website owners need articles and blog posts to keep readers coming back, to become educated, inspired, or entertained, and to keep their websites optimized.  

People are Readers

People read articles online daily.  They often set out to give the reader a new perspective or updated information.  Articles are usually informational or inspirational.  Simply reading an article can enlighten a person and change their mood. Articles can be powerful tools that lift others up and that is what I love to do. 

What to Do 

Do you want to be an article writer? 

Re-Writing for Multiple Sales 

Once you're an up-to-speed writer you too will see how easy it is to re-write the same article and potentially sell the topic more than once.  Now, I'm not talking about doing cheap article spinning where you flip things around for the sake of flipping them around sometimes with a spinning program.  What I mean is, re-writing your article from a different angle.

Here is are examples:

Sample article on writing fiction:

Want to write a novel?  Need new ideas?  Put yourself in the story.  Picture where you'd like to go, and what you'd like to see.  How might you see things differently than another person?

Same article re-written:

Are you in the midst of writing a novel and find yourself stuck?  Why not use this trick.  Dress yourself in the era of your novel and walk its streets or corridors.  That's right, put yourself right in there.  Smell, hear, taste, and see the environment.  Write about your experience.

Same article re-written:

Fiction writers have various ways of developing their work.  Many writers like to put themselves right into the story.  Once they've gotten an idea of the era and surroundings, they find it helpful to think about what they might see, where they'd want to go, and what they'd like to do.

How's that for switching things up and making your writing go further? 

If you have questions or comments, feel free to connect. 

Happy Writing!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Be Wary of Your Writing Approach and Motivation

The publishing industry is evolving rapidly. In the past, authors would write a book based on their established platform, and then their agents would search for an audience to sell to. 

A different approach is to write specifically for a particular niche, understanding what they are looking for and tailoring the content to their needs. This is a reader-centric approach, whereas the former is writer-centric.

A writer must give readers what they are searching for lest the content come across as irrelevant or uninteresting. Rambling, spouting, pontificating, reporting, or commenting on a topic may not engage readers looking for something that appeals to them personally. What you write should inform, entertain, educate, or inspire the reader. Choose at least one goal and write with it in mind. 

In today's world, people value personal relevance and a clear takeaway from the content they consume. Thus, it is critical to give readers what they are searching for to feel they have received good value for their time or money spent. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tips for Kim's Creative Writing Group

This post is especially for Kim's Creative Writing Group. Thanks for having me share today (August 13, 2020). 

I mentioned a variety of things in my conversation. I want to share some links you may find helpful for trying to make money from your writing, plus a few other opportunities. 

If you have a question, feel free to message me at or through Facebook Messenger here

Non-paying Writing

Actually, I started out publishing free articles to promote my life coach business on Ezine Articles (NOTE IN 2022 THIS SITE CEASED PUBLISHING NEW MATERIAL.) There are many other ways to publish your work--a blog, for instance. 


Start a blog with or, market your books on your blog.

Web Content/Online Magazines

1.   I write as Joy R. Calderwood on this site and have sold over 400 articles. Constant-Content

My personal bio page on Constant-Content.

Sites that Pay (various work from home jobs)


2.   On the below link I have submitted to the greeting card companies. I didn't get any accepted. Rappers, poetry writers---the greeting card submissions might be for you!

3.   I haven't used this but you can offer to write for $5 or more

4.    I haven't used this before, but looks interesting. See *notes below. Problogger Jobs

* Some job offers require you work in the US. Remote means work from home usually. If you're from Canada, check if they hire Canadians and how they make payment.  Avoid sites that make you buy a membership. Be careful of sites that ask you to do a practice test. For Constant-Content, I did have to submit 3 articles that passed editing before I could sell. That was okay with me. 

Creative Ideas 

A fabulous way to learn to use more description in your writing


Here are examples of editing rates

Self-Publishing - Kindle Book or Paperback 

My author page on Amazon

Some Paying, Some Non-Paying

Life Coach Training 

1.   I trained through Life Purpose Coaching Centres. Here is a Facebook Page. I didn't seem to get to the website.

I've asked friends to let me know where they trained. I'll add it if I find out. 

2.   A friend trained here: Coach U 

3.   Another friend of mine trained here:  Life Purpose Institute 

4.   Check out The ChristianCoachingCentre

I will add to this page as I think of what else may be of help.

5.    Another friend studied with New Life Christian Coaching and did a refresher with Transformation Academy.

I have several blogs on various topics. Here are two others.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Managing Writing Inspiration

If you're an article writer who has the option of choosing your own topics to write on, there are a few tips that can help you collect inspiration:

1. Typically, a writer's mind is always writing in the same way an artist's mind is always seeing art in nature.  When an idea pops into your head, scribble it down or get to your computer to jot the idea down. 

2. When you read something online that inspires you, cut and paste it and save it into a special Word file perhaps changing the print colour so you know it is something you copied and not your own work. 

I named my file fodder (material that is used for a particular purpose). When I want to get some writing done to submit for pay, I look in my fodder folder for ideas. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Content Writer Fees

There is so much web content businesses need. 
They need to update their websites and blogs regularly.  They need blurbs written.  They need articles. 

While there are AI tools that can be used now, good material needs to be input first to generate a good article. Never before, however, have businesses tried to undercut freelance writers. The last three years I've had a drop in sales. Everyone is looking for bargains or using AI themselves it seems. 

With offshore outsourcing, something that's been going on for over ten years now, some of us are up against writers that charge $3.00 an article. We prefer to earn $20 to $400 an article. 

It's important to keep in mind that sometimes you get what you pay for when buying services. Unfortunately, some offshore outsourcers tend to copy, spin, and plagiarize content from others, resulting in poor-quality work.

I refuse to work for wages that are below the legal minimum in my country. In Canada, employers are required to pay a minimum wage to their employees, failure to do so can result in fines or legal action.If you are a business in need of web content that is written in good English, please plan to pay respectfully and purchase from a web content provider you can trust.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Adding Description to Your Story

This was a cover featuring a door
(a photo my daughter took at the Boldt Castle)
was a R. Warren contest submission,
not an actual cover used by R. Warren.

Do you want to write fiction? Do you want to write a memoir that includes storytelling?

During the lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic, I've taken to learning how to write a story or a memoir. This is a change for me because not only do I not write fiction or stories, I don't read them often either.
Some might think that makes me shallow. Perhaps so. I find some of the descriptive parts of fiction tedious. But as I've been learning, I understand how they help bring a reader into a scene. 

To grow in my learning of how to add description I've done five things. 

First, I wrote my story including all events I wanted to be included. 

Second, I searched online for articles on adding sensory descriptions to stories. I learned about the importance of creating a visual, an aroma, a texture (touch), and sound. These details are easy to read about, but not always as easy to capture. 

Third, I visited websites that give examples of show, don't tell.

Fourth, I pulled some of my husband's fiction books off the shelf and also a few from my daughter's old room. I sat with a notebook and Post-it notes. I looked for examples in these books that might describe parts of my story. 

For instance, for a scene where I'm confronting someone, I looked for the same type of scene in the fiction books. 

Then, I took notes or put a Post-it note on the page to hold the spot. I returned to my story inserting something similar. I didn't copy exactly what the book said, but I used it as an example and worded it to fit my character.

Fifth, I realized my daughter's books weren't helpful as they pertained to fantasy and unreal worlds mostly. I'd need another avenue for this exercise. 

So I took to Amazon. I searched some memoirs for sale that have the "search inside" feature. 

This was fun. I was able to glimpse into so many books! I could even use my keyboard to search for certain words like "farm" or "disappointed". 

I borrowed several examples to put into my story, again rewording lest I be accused of plagiarism. (My examples were far different enough.) 

At one point, I put my story through an online tool called ProWritingAid. It didn't like several of the words I'd used. It suggested I used too many words in some sections. 

On editing, I went through my story again, adding more texture and reworking the story as we always do when editing. 

This has been a very fun and helpful exercise to help me increase my storytelling ability. Even when I write nonfiction, I often tell small stories. I am better prepared now. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Need Editing or Proofreading?

Are you a blogger, article writer, or Indie author? 

Do you have a short book, article, letter, or other item you would like proofread, edited, or rewritten? 

I am available to work on your project--all done virtually. email

Nonfiction Only


Don't get caught looking unprofessional! 
Have your writing checked!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Writing Non-Fiction? Are you Realistic?

When I submitted my first book for publishing, publishing houses were still viable. I was brave and submitted a manuscript. The returned message was discouraging as it is for most.  I was told I would do better with a platform. 

But that doesn't mean the person without a platform doesn't have something meaningful to communicate. I don't have a platform. I didn't then, I don't now. But I am a writer.

The response I got that day also urged me to try article publishing first. I made queries to several magazines, mostly to no avail. 

I sold my first print article to the Evangelical Church Library Association for $50. It was a fabulous win for me at the time. 

Then, in 2010, I got a gig with a web content company. To date, I have over 500 purchased articles published in 10 years. This is the anniversary of getting my paid writing career off the ground!

Over time, publishing houses went belly-up. CEOs were let go. Self-publishing began to take the stage.

I don't believe in writers pursuing self-publishing with companies that make you pay to have your book published. Too many friends of mine have ended up with stacks of books in their garages. They have no idea how to sell them.  

I do believe in Kindle Direct Publishing by Amazon (KDP), though. I have had good success with it. Look for my books there under the name Rose Garde, Life Coach. 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Editing or Proofreading for the ESL EAL Market

(These details are from work I did several years ago. Rules may have changed.) 

With so many new immigrants both to Canada and the USA, there is a writing, proofreading and editing market for the EAL and ESL sectors. 
The work can range from a newcomer needing to fill out government forms, to an engineer writing a report. Just today I saw a Twitter post about a new immigrant finding it difficult to fill out an application for her child to attend summer camp. I got work for a university professor submitting a scientific journal and students submitting papers (they had approval to have editing help). 

Some people I've helped with their written work have included:

  • A scholar submitting scientific journals  
  • An executive needing his CV tweaked
  • A BSc student applying to med school
  • High school students needing essays proofread
  • An MBA student's multiple submission of documents 
  • A recent immigrant's government documentation 
  • A Professional Engineer's report
I offer my services virtually.  I don't ever have to meet a client face-to-face, but I can if necessary.

If you are a writer and want to help out this market try these methods:

  • Put ads for your services on online directories such as (these may no longer take such ads as they did years ago)
  • Use social media to get the word out.
  • Post an ad where a local school or college student will see it.
  • Spread word by word of mouth.
  • Spend time in the ESL/EAL communities getting to know people who may need your help.
  • Do quality work and don't get pushed around.
If you want to do this type of work, set boundaries. For instance, it won't help a student if you significantly change their writing. Their professor or potential employer needs to see a true representation of their abilities through their writing.

Use the Right Style Guide 

Be careful to ask if there is a specific style guide you're to follow eg. APA, ALA, CMOS, or other. Scientific writing is much different than writing for the arts. 

Decide how you will do this work. When I started, I worked in person with one client.

Another author brought a thumb drive to my house and picked up the changes a few days later. 

Then I began email exchanges with clients. 

How to Do it

I always edit in MS Word with track changes on. I send back a marked-up and a final copy. I allow one revision in the price quotation.

I have found I need to charge more for most ESL/EAL writing when the grammar is extremely choppy. It takes time for me to understand what is being communicated. That is more time-consuming than simple editing. It is about making the writing make sense. 

Getting Payment

I usually send back the work and then forward an invoice to be paid through PayPal. 

I had one student who wanted to ignore the invoice and when she did pay it, complained about having to pay the Paypal service fee. In the future, I may only return half a document until it is fully paid. 

If you have an idea of how to do this more effectively, perhaps with a document download prevention program until payment arrives, that would be ideal. 

Editing and Proofreading Help for the ESL/EAL Student

I live in Southern, Ontario, Canada but I can edit your ESL/EAL work, in most cases, no matter where you live!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Take Writing Breaks When Motivation Lulls

This is probably an unnecessary tip to share:

take a break when you have nothing to write. 

For the last few months, I have not been motivated to write due to my involvement in a non-profit websleuthing project. 

I have been working on a new book that I hope to release and sell. After going through it multiple times and making several edits, I finally decided to put it aside for a fresh look later. 
I then thought about going back to article writing, but every time I sat down at the computer, I felt brain-dead. I had no motivation to write. While some of my old articles have sold, I know that if I don't put out anything new, the money will eventually dry up.

Today, I would like to suggest that if you experience a lack of enthusiasm when writing, you should take a break and do other things instead. There's no point in spending time on writing when your heart isn't in it. Wait for your inspiration to return and don't feel guilty for taking a break.

Here's to regaining motivation shortly!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I Am a Writer

Reprinted from a 2013 blog post.

This is a cover my daughter and I
designed for a competition we
didn't win.

Yesterday I brushed past this blog, read the stats and clicked on to my next blog, checked its stats and moved on.  I had nothing new to write.  I was empty. There was zip, nada, nil, zero.  As the day wore on I wondered how I could possibly be a writer and be word-dry.

As dawn broke this morning (well, dawn didn't exactly break--it was rainy and dark), I headed to the computer with my coffee.  "Oh," I said to myself, "Today will be a good writing day.  It's always good to write in the rain because there is no temptation to play in the sun instead."

So I zipped past my blogs again, hoping to fill them with something to keep them optimized, but nothing profound came.

Instead of doing any actual writing today, I fell back into the old R&R routine, Read and Research.  

By mid-afternoon I stumbled upon some interesting free downloads and in them was the concept I'm about to explain. The reason I've chosen to add it here is because half an hour prior, the same concept came across my path. It seemed like something I was meant to share. 

When a concept crosses my path twice in short stead, especially by two distinct individuals who, as far as I know, aren't connected, I pay attention.


The first writer shared that if you make vague "I want" type goals, you merely attract more of the same.  You attract a recurring want.  For instance, if you state, “I want to be a competitive jockey,” your time and energy will result in that outcome--the wanting to be a jockey.

Instead, you should say, "I am a jockey and will compete competitively in 2014." With this stronger version of the same thought, you will be more likely to take steps to actually fulfill the goal.

Tonight I re-read a free download called You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One), by Jeff Goins  In this little ebook, Goins suggests a person needs to believe they are what they want to be and then start acting like it.    

That goes with something I discussed with my diet coach too.  I suggested to her I do some visualization seeing myself as thin and seeing the scale reporting a lower number. 
The concept is this:  If you want to be a thin, healthy person, say, "I'm a thin and healthy person."

If you want to be a writer, say, "I'm a writer."

Don't wait for someone to validate the idea.  Don't keep wishing for it.  Accept your calling now. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

2019 Tip List for Writers

So you want to write and perhaps become published. Here is your 2019 kick-off list of suggestions:

  1. Get a computer with a word program as eventually all needs to be entered into the computer (even if you start your writing in a journal).
  2. Set aside time to write and let your family know you're going to be preoccupied.  Perhaps build it into your schedule.
  3. Start writing at your sitting. Let all your ideas pour out. I insist, this is the favorite part of a writer's hobby or craft.
  4. At your next sitting, either choose the "carry on where you left off feature" in Word and continue writing, or read back what you wrote previously to remind yourself of the flow and carry on.
  5. Write simply as though you're talking to someone. Don't use big words if you can get by with a simpler word. The average reader has a grade 8 to 10 comprehension.
  6. Vary your words. Don't use the same one repeatedly. Use the synonym feature to alter your words as I did here with the words vary and alter.
  7. Edit by reading back quietly or aloud. Take out excess words. Fix awkward sentences. Start moving things around so the piece flows better.
  8. Remove extra information that doesn't move the story along or help explain the points. (Being willing to cut large amounts takes bravery because we get attached to our thoughts.)
  9. Research and be mindful not to violate copyright laws. Give references for facts, Bible verses, and quotes no matter how familiar.
  10. Read your piece  back again as though you are the targeted reader, or better still, have it read to you by pasting it into NaturalReader.
  11. You can print your work if you feel it is helpful to do so. This can help when you significantly need to move things around. But you don't HAVE to print it out.
  12. Keep reading and learning. The best writers are readers.
  13. Join Facebook writer groups to gain motivation and free tips.
  14. If you want to self-publish, forget those agencies that make you pay to have your book published. Go to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and start with a Kindle book. Read their many instructional tutorials to learn just what to do.
  15. If you want to try your hand at selling articles, look into Writing for Dollars, Contant-Content or other freelance content writing opportunities, or look into the guidelines of magazines who accept submissions.
  16. Add balance into your writing days by going for walks, joining an exercise group, finding social outings, and so on, because refreshing your mind and body will help your writing. You may also find fresh material when out with others.

    Well, I could go on. This list should help you for now.